• Career and College Readiness

    Our school system is only as strong as the expectations we hold for our students. As outlined in our strategic plan, 2024: The Future our Kids Deserve, JP Schools succeeds when all students graduate high school socially, emotionally, academically and financially ready for a career and/or college. At the heart of it, college and career readiness is about preparing our students to make the world a better place.

    Why is Career and College Readiness Important?

    When students graduate high school, they are more likely to:

    • Have a great and fulfilling job
    • Earn a higher income
    • Enjoy a healthier life
    • Live longer
    • Be a strong role model
    • Be a responsible citizen

    Our community is more likely to have:

    • A quality workforce
    • A stronger economy
    • Healthier citizens
    • Families that come and stay
    • Higher property values
    • Safer neighborhoods
    • A stronger military