Mission & Vision

  • Alice Birney students will be nurtured in a supportive environment where they can thrive in language development and critical thinking skills while becoming confident, responsible citizens. 


    Our Staff Believes

    We believe that all students can learn, achieve, and succeed.

    We believe that students learn in different ways and learn best when actively engaged.

    We believe in providing a rigorous and challenging academic program enriched with cultural arts, physical training and technological instruction which develops the intellectual and creative potential of the students.

    We believe in encouraging and promoting citizenship, patriotism, environmental responsibility, and an appreciation of cultural and individual diversity.

    We believe in fostering in students a positive self-image by providing opportunities for individual and shared success that develop confidence, responsibility, and self-discipline.

    We believe that it is important that the dignity and worth of the individual be recognized and preserved.

    We believe that teachers, parents, and the community share responsibility for the support of the school’s mission. 


    Our Mission

    Our mission is to create a learning environment in which students are actively engaged while learning the skills necessary to become responsible, respectful, and productive lifelong learners.

Our Principal


  •  Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.